A reversible A7 zine containing two short graphic scores by Cath Roberts. There’s a score printed on each side of the same piece of paper, and the zine can be re-folded to reveal either score! On one side is ‘A skeleton’, in green ink, and on the other is ‘Some bones’ in neon pink ink.
Riso-printed by Footprint Workers’ Co-op on recycled pale blue paper.
You can choose to receive this pre-cut and folded into a zine, or as a flat piece of paper (probably folded once for postage) ready to make yourself. All you need to do is make one cut, and do some folding, and the reversible scores are ready to go. I came across this method thanks to honor ash (whose work you can see in Setlist 3) and I’ll include instructions with the zine.
No extra postage to order multiples as these are very light!